Today's recipe is inspired by this amazing work of art that I came across in my daily search for more things to admire about our favorite gun-toting, slick winking, hard-talking MILF for president. OF COURSE, Sarah is capable of balancing pancakes on her head! Look at the great job she did multi-tasking her demands as wife, mother, hunter, author, VP candidate...ah, the list goes on. If only I could do as much but alas, I know that the place I do my best work is...IN THE KITCHEN.
Why should big business and lobbyists have all the fun? Ladies, we should all be doing our part for politicians! They sacrifice so much for us! I feel so blessed!
So what better way to raise money than a good old fashioned pancake feed? Not just for kids with leukemia or car accident victims anymore! Bring the guilt induced pocketbook emptying to the next level by charging eight dollars a plate for 24 cents worth of food! GENIUS!
Moose sausage is optional.

Here's my favorite pancake recipe that's sure to please...
1 C Caucasian flour
1 TBSP. sugar
1 tsp. Baking powder
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 egg, beaten as hard as the Democrats this November
1 C buttermilk or sour milk
2 TBSP. oil
Combine flour sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In center of flour mixture make a dimple. (How cute!) Combine egg, buttermilk, and oil and add all at once in the center of the flour. Stir til' moist, add milk to thin if necessary.
Pour about 1/4 C batter onto hot and lightly greased skillet. If you need help with this amazingly complex and difficult recipe, please email me for assistance.
Have a great time WHORING pancakes for Politicians! YOU ROCK!